Koi Kaze Volume 2: Budding Attraction

By: Kimberly Godwin – September 7, 2005
This article was originally posted on PlanetExile.com
The frustration of being in love with one’s sister continues as mixed signals fly in the second melodramatic volume of Koi Kaze . Koshiro continues to wallow in guilt and self-pity as he copes with his attraction to his little sister; while Nanoka tries to figure out what he real feelings for her big brother really are. As a result of his own guilt, he continues to be rather condescending and rude to Nanoka and decides to go visit his mother in an effort to console himself and his feelings. We find out more information about Koshiro and Nanoka’s mother and their childhood.
The series continues to be melodramatic with a slow pacing and moody instrumentals. The characters are taking on some more depth as more helpings of confusion, guilt and angst are added to the mix. The main difference in this volume is that we also follow Nanoka through several days at school, which helps provide some much needed insight into her character and provides some visual diversity, and some change of scenery from Koshiro’s dull days at the office. The change in series perspective makes it easier to understand the characters and their interpretations of the people around them.
The main strength of this series continues to be the humanity of the characters and how flawed they are. The characters worry about sincere problems and put on masks when their around other people and are in different environments, instead of staying the same two-dimensional stereotypes that are common to soap opera styled series. The oddity of the incestuous relationship is overcome by the sincerity of the character emotions.
Rating: 4 out of 5